Friday, July 17, 2009

Give Me Your Best Shot-BEST Summertime Photo CONTEST

It's time for Give Me Your Best Shot over at Better In Bulk.

This week's photo is just one of my FAVORITE Summertime Shots. It's my oldest daughter, Alyson Paige, at the State Park/Lake near our house for the first time. It was taken way back in 2007 when she wasn't even walking yet! She's just over a year old here.

The lake has a "beach" with real sand and everything. I just love her shadow and the waves of the sand. It was hard to choose this one over a picture of her daddy holding her, looking down at the "shoreline". That's HIS favorite.

Come join the fun and put up your favorite summer shot or your best shot from this week!
Better in Bulk

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A VERY Special Giveaway!

A very old friend of mine (Heather) is now a jewelry designer (Heatherly Designs).

She is giving away this BEAUTIFUL ring you see here.

She calls it Frosty Flower and you can pick white, pink, or yellow.

3 days left to enter over at her blog

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Why Is It....? Wednesday!

I'm starting my own blog Carnival and I'm calling it "Why Is It...? Wednesday".

Why is it HE can sit on his porcelain throne WITH his iPhone for 20 minutes, play with said phone, use the toilet paper that is PERCHED on top of the toilet paper holder but HE cannot take the roller out and out said toilet paper ON the roller?

I am truly perplexed.

Join in with your "Why Is It....?"

Friday, July 10, 2009

Give Me Your Best Shot #9 - Fireworks!

It's FRIDAY! Time for the Give Me Your Best Shot blog carnival with Lolli over at Better in Bulk.

Like Lolli, I did not take a lot of pictures this week. The kids were very uncooperative (full moon anyone?) and I had to deal with 2 killer sinus headaches this week.

This was my first venture photographing fireworks with my D40.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July in pictures

We had a simple 4th of July here at home. We did some fireworks out in the cul de sac, let the wee ones stay up late.
I experimented with taking pictures of fireworks and think they came out good!


After the first fireworks....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I am famous....*sort of*

One of the blogs I follow , Mrs D. Lightful , put out a S.O.S. on learning how to shop a little more saavy with coupons.

I commented.

Said comments became a bloggie name and comment are now

Friday, July 3, 2009

Give Me Your Best Shot #8

My favorite blogging day! Fridays! Lolli over at Better in Bulk hosts a weekly carnival called Give Me Your Best Shot!


The overgrown grass at our neighbor's house (VERY sore subject) brought in some butterflies!
Not the greatest shot, but my favorite because I love butterflies.