Monday, December 14, 2009

Sparkly Stuff!

I was so excited when this package arrived in the mail...
I've been waiting WEEKS for it to make these....


You can find them in my Etsy shop HERE!

Monday, December 7, 2009

YAY! I'm being Spotlighted on a Blog!

Head on over to Everything Stitch N' Love to see my Etsy store being highlighted!!

Spotlight on Silly Beanz

I need a Change...

I think it's time for a change.

I need a new name for my blog....Can you help?

Some info about me: 3 kids (had them in a total of 2 years and 8 months).
"thrice is nice"?

I enjoy crafting, reading, baking, and photography but who the heck has time for all that with 3 little kids?

This is MY blog, my place to let everything out, post what I do, think, say, want to achieve, and just have, as Tina fey on 30 Rock said, "crazy mouth".

Friday, December 4, 2009

El Cheapo Christmas Decorations (Snow Garland)!

Want some cute decorations on the cheap (FREE actually)?
Want to be green and recycle?
Well have I got a project for you!

Take a box full of packing peanuts....

String them onto beading wire (string, fishing line, whatever you got!)
Yes, that's my 4 year old holding the needle...such tiny hands!

You get a garland that looks like this....

And WA-LA! this Georgia Christmas tree (which we've had for 5 years and only cost us $20 at Home Depot!) has "Snow" garland!

Monday, November 30, 2009




FREE SHIPPING IF YOUR TOTAL (after discount) IS OVER $6.00!!

You can get adorable hair clips for $1.00 or LESS!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Something New...Six Word Saturday

I'm trying something new!
Six Word Saturday over at Show My Face...

My Kids Are Ready for Christmas (pic to be added!)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Give Me Your Best Shot #16 ~ Pumpkin Picking!

Pumpkin Picking 2009 (& Give Me Your Best Shot)
We got to take the kids to the Pumpkin patch and we had a BLAST.
It was our family, my in-laws, and my sister-in-law with her boys.
It was SO hard to pick just one good shot, so I cheated and posted a few!

Join the Give Me Your Best Shot fun over at Better in Bulk by clicking the button below!


All the GA grandkids!

Someone put a lil' pumpkin in with the other pumpkins! Oh, it's just Ella!

Paul FINALLY found the perfect pumpkin!

Some creative shot, huh?

Credit goes the the hubby for this shot...I think it may have been accidental, but I love how it came out AND I got out from behind the camera!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Give Me Y our Best Shot #15 - Star Festival

'Tis Friday....Click the button below to join (or just look) at some of the participants in the Give Me Your Best Shot! blog carnival hosted by the wonderfully talented Lolli of Better in Bulk!


We went to a local Festival in our little town of Bethlehem. It was called the Star Festival.
There is just something about this shot that I adore. Can't put my finger on it though! I apologize for putting up yet another photo of one of my kids....y'all must be sick of seeing them! LOL.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Random Craftiness!

Sooooo....Little Miss Aly P. and I did some quicky crafts while the wee ones were napping at the same time (rare!)

Stuff you need:
3/8 wide ribbon/ribbon scraps
mod podge
OPTIONAL: round magnets & hot glue

How to Do It:
measure ribbon and cut to fit on top of clothespin
throw on some mod podge
set ribbon on mod podged clothespin
slap on another layer of mod podge
let dry
OPTIONAL: glue a magnet on the back

Friday, October 9, 2009

Super Cool Giveaway!


Keeping Up With the Bowens
is celebrating a blog re-design/100 posts by giving away

Go leave a comment! Contest ends Monday 10/12!

Give Me Your Best Shot #14 - Mushrooms!

I"m back in the game for Give Me Your Best Shot over at Better in Bulk!
I tried my hand, err...eye? at shooting some mushrooms that had popped up on our lawn from 6 straight days of rain here in Georgia.

I'd LOVE some constructive criticism.

Click on the button to join in the fun!


Friday, October 2, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!

My My....

We have been busy, busy, busy over here!
Pre-K started back in August.
Ella turned one in Sept.
The husband has been busy with working, doing online school, AND hosting a radio show during the week from 10-11pm EST (

With the little free time I have found, I've been frantically cleaning and organizing in between playing, cooking, and laundry.

I've also been busy with my hair clips! I had a last minute wholesale order for a School Spirit Store in MI.
Then I had an order for a gift basket full of hair clips. I was told the 2 year old recipient AND her parents LOVED it. I hope it leads to more sales!!

I have also FINALLY learned how to do a BOW. So now I have another style to add to my Etsy Shop!

I've gotten some great feedback on this style!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Miss Us Much?

We're BACK!

Our computer crashed!

The new one has arrived and I got it up and running!


Friday, August 28, 2009

Give Me Your Best Shot #13 - Morning Glory

It's time for Give Me Your Best Shot over at Better in Bulk! Thanks a million to Lolli for hosting such a great blog carnival!


I too cheated, I experimented with different angles and framing the shot.

How can something as pretty as these morning glory flowers grow like weeds? We pull it up every year from our front garden and every year it comes back!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Give Me Your Best Shot - Daddy's Girl

It's Give Me Your Best Shot Friday over at Better in Bulk! I love this shot of hubby with Baby Ella. I had a shot similar from when Alyson was a tot and I'm glad I got a repeat shot!

Join in the fun! Click on the button to head over to Give Me Your Best Shot!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cooking Class: Quesadilla CAKE from El Salvador

My wonderful stepmother is from El Salvador.
As a teenager, she made this wonderful cake that we ate for breakfast, snack, whenever.
The only problem is that it never lasts very long because it's super YUMMY.

It's called Quesadilla but it's truly a cake, not the mainstream quesadillas that are on every restuarant's appetizer menu.

We've since moved away and started our own family and during one of her visits, I asked if there was a recipe since we missed the cake so much.
Her is her version...which disappeared so fast that I couldn't snap a picture of it!

Salvadorian Quesadilla Cake (makes 2 cakes)
2 cups rice flour (can substitute regular flour, cake ends up being a little lighter)
1 1/2 cup sugar (she advised to start with 1 cup and taste for sweetness)
1 tsp vanilla
1 stick melted butter
16 oz sour cream
4 eggs
1/2 pint of heavy cream
1 Tbsp parmesan cheese
pinch of salt (which I forget all too often)
sesame seeds (optional)

Blend ingredients together. Pour into 2 round cake pans
Bake at 375 for about an hour or until bottom is browned and knife comes out clean.

let me know if you make it and what you think!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Give Me Your Best Shot #12

It's Friday!
Time for Give Me Your Best Shot blog carnival over at Better in Bulk with Lolli.

My precious son is obsessed with water....dirty, clean, soapy, pools of, puddles of, tubs filled with.
I love that I captured his excitement in splashing!

Click on the button to come join the fun!


Sunday, August 9, 2009

She's turning the BIG ONE!

My darling Ella will be 1 come mid-September.

That means a PARTY is in order to celebrate!

After all, my LAST one is having her big FIRST.

*sigh* *sniff* *tears welling up*

I need HELP with ideas for her party....

We live in GA so it's still pretty warm out.

Simple and economical would be GREAT!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Give Me Your Best Shot #11 Three's A Charm!

I grabbed this shot thanks to my grandma yelling into the house, "Shana, BRING YOUR CAMERA QUICK!"
For some reason these shots from behind of kids make me smile!
Although, it does kind of look like they are trying escape, doesn't it? LOL.
Not the greatest of shots "technically" but always a favorite of mine.

Want to join the fun? Go link up your Best Shot of the Week with Lolli over at Better in Bulk!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Dear Bloggie Blog,

I am truly SO sorry for neglecting you.

I promise to come back and keep you company.

So much has been going on!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Give Me Your Best Shot-BEST Summertime Photo CONTEST

It's time for Give Me Your Best Shot over at Better In Bulk.

This week's photo is just one of my FAVORITE Summertime Shots. It's my oldest daughter, Alyson Paige, at the State Park/Lake near our house for the first time. It was taken way back in 2007 when she wasn't even walking yet! She's just over a year old here.

The lake has a "beach" with real sand and everything. I just love her shadow and the waves of the sand. It was hard to choose this one over a picture of her daddy holding her, looking down at the "shoreline". That's HIS favorite.

Come join the fun and put up your favorite summer shot or your best shot from this week!
Better in Bulk

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A VERY Special Giveaway!

A very old friend of mine (Heather) is now a jewelry designer (Heatherly Designs).

She is giving away this BEAUTIFUL ring you see here.

She calls it Frosty Flower and you can pick white, pink, or yellow.

3 days left to enter over at her blog

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Why Is It....? Wednesday!

I'm starting my own blog Carnival and I'm calling it "Why Is It...? Wednesday".

Why is it HE can sit on his porcelain throne WITH his iPhone for 20 minutes, play with said phone, use the toilet paper that is PERCHED on top of the toilet paper holder but HE cannot take the roller out and out said toilet paper ON the roller?

I am truly perplexed.

Join in with your "Why Is It....?"

Friday, July 10, 2009

Give Me Your Best Shot #9 - Fireworks!

It's FRIDAY! Time for the Give Me Your Best Shot blog carnival with Lolli over at Better in Bulk.

Like Lolli, I did not take a lot of pictures this week. The kids were very uncooperative (full moon anyone?) and I had to deal with 2 killer sinus headaches this week.

This was my first venture photographing fireworks with my D40.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July in pictures

We had a simple 4th of July here at home. We did some fireworks out in the cul de sac, let the wee ones stay up late.
I experimented with taking pictures of fireworks and think they came out good!


After the first fireworks....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I am famous....*sort of*

One of the blogs I follow , Mrs D. Lightful , put out a S.O.S. on learning how to shop a little more saavy with coupons.

I commented.

Said comments became a bloggie name and comment are now